Jessica R.
Neha Kinariwalla
My experience with mental illness started January 2016. I didn't realize that I was suffering from depression until my family brought it to my attention out of concern for me. I was slowly shutting down in all aspects of my life. Sleepless nights, loss of appetite, and constant anxiety had consumed my life. I wasn't myself anymore, I would look in the mirror and not recognize the person staring back. I made the decision to quit my job and get the help I needed. I couldn't continue to go down this unhealthy road of depression. I never thought in a million years that this would be my reality at 23 years old. Being diagnosed with depression was a scary moment in my life. I'm living in a body trying to survive with a mind that tries to die.
“Being diagnosed with depression was a scary moment in my life. I’m living in a body trying to survive with a mind that tries to die.”
Taking a break from my life has helped me through this experience. I am lucky enough to have a family who wanted to get me the help I needed. They gave me the option to quit a job that I hated and take time to focus on myself. I started going to therapy once a week and eve though I was hesitant at first I started medication as well. Making the decision to try medication was scary because I don't like to put things in my body that aren't necessary. But my depression had gotten to the point where I couldn't pretend to be okay anymore. I have been going to therapy for 12 weeks now and have been taking antidepressants for 2 months now. I believe that with all three of these changes in my life they have helped my mental health. I went from never leaving my bed to going out a couple of days a week. Although it doesn't seem like much of an a accomplishment it is for me. Also have an amazing support system at home has helped tremendously.
“Even when depression feels like you’re stuck in a dark deep hole you have to keep going you have to chose to keep going everyday. ”
When first being diagnosed with depression I felt as if I was the only one going through a "quarter life crises." So I decided to create my blog to write about my journey with depression. In doing so I have had many people reach out to me saying that they are also dealing with the same issues. I had a sense of relief knowing that I wasn't alone anymore. I try to give advice on my blog for my followers by letting them know that it is perfectly okay to talk about mental illness, to not be ashamed of it but to embrace it. There is such a stigma about mental illness and how its not a real sickness. So I completely understand why people feel embarrassed or ashamed of sharing with others about their battle with mental illness. Even when depression feels like you're stuck in a dark deep hole you have to keep going you have to chose to keep going everyday. I know it's hard I've been there, but you have to fight through the bad days to experience the best days of your life.